Episode 7

Karen Ottoni on Blockchain for Enterprises with Hyperledger

Karen Ottoni on Blockchain for Enterprises with Hyperledger

What We Dsicuss With Karen Ottoni

Amidst the noise and attention-grabbing cryptocurrency price headlines some of you are having sleepless nights on, there are many companies which perhaps you are hearing less of but who are working on how this fascinating technology of blockchain can be used to transform business.

Modern business is made up of siloed repositories of data, each enterprise keeps a separate copy of their data since there is no collective trust.

Now we do know that blockchain can solve this data stewardship problem but I wanted to understand how enterprises can overcome the data visibility concern within a public blockchain.

For the first episode of a series dedicated to Blockchain for Enterprises, I wanted to understand how Hyperledger is leading the mission of ‘advancing business blockchain adoption through global open source collaboration’.

In this episode, you will learn;

  • The difference between a public blockchain like Bitcoin and private blockchain for enterprises;
  • How to assess which blockchain fits your enterprises’ needs;
  • How Hyperledger is helping the accounting and finance industry implement blockchain;
  • How the promise of blockchain can bring real socio economic change;
  • And much more.
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Karen Ottoni
Director of Ecosystem @ Hyperledger
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