60-minute Intro Class

Crypto Accounting for Beginners

Learn the Practical Knowledge of Crypto Accounting & How to Build a Career in Web3

Join the FREE Crypto Accounting Class with Umar

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What’s inside this Free Class

  • The Crux of Crypto Accounting

    Learn what is the foundational knowledge to get started with crypto accounting and how to extract and reconcile blockchain data from block explorers and other sources.

  • Sub-Ledgers - Your new best friend

    Learn what’s the most essential crypto accounting software & ways to automate token inflows & outflows to prepare your financials.

  • Other Tools for Crypto FinOps

    Running a business on crypto? Learn which web3 tools streamline financial operations and make your life easier.

  • Why specialize in digital assets?

    As crypto adoption grows, accountants with Web3 expertise are in high demand for financial reporting, tax, and advisory roles.


Hernán Murmis
Finance & Product (DeFi)

Knowing that what is being shared is the most updated knowledge on these topics is of great value. All classes were interesting together with additional resources to dig deeper. 

Other than that, all instructors had a great attitude and content.

It is a leap of faith to invest AUD3,000 in a course and hope to get a good ROI. On the whole, the course exceeded my expectations, and the instructors & content were fantastic. 

I thought the sessions with a practical element (using sub-ledgers, multisig wallets) were very insightful.

As a crypto startup founder with an engineering background, I initially found myself without a CFO or accountant knowledgeable in handling crypto assets. After selling that company, I remained deeply involved in crypto, finance, accounting, and taxation. This led me to take the course to deepen my understanding. I expected to pick up a few new tricks, but the experience far exceeded my expectations. It significantly expanded my perspective, giving me a completely new mindset.

I highly recommend this course to any accountant or auditor working with crypto clients. It's also invaluable for CFOs from fiat-only backgrounds who are preparing to embrace crypto.

I thought that all the instructors did an awesome job. Mackenzie's material on crypto taxation was the most relevant to my company's focus and so that was super helpful. I thought she did an excellent job of teaching and explaining the concepts in a clear and easy-to-understand way.

The course delivered as expected. Did feel pricey at first, but the content turned out to be worth it because it's all from the industry executives.

Hugo Carmelo
Financial Controller
@Stake Capital

I highly recommend this course to anyone seeking to enhance their proficiency in crypto accounting and mitigate financial risks in this rapidly evolving industry. It has been an enlightening journey for me.

The course was excellent. I strongly encourage anyone involved in web3 finance or those leading a web3 company to enroll in this course for both the knowledge and ideas exchange it brings.

Lisa Wilson
Business Services Accountant

An incredibly comprehensive course that takes the 'fear factor' of crypto accounting away. A must for all accountants.

The course displayed a meticulously structured format, with instructors showcasing extensive expertise. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in comprehending crypto accounting, especially founders seeking simplified explanations of accounting basics to understand the accounting and tax effects of crypto transactions.

The course exceeded my expectations and the content was targeted toward issues that CFOs must solve for their organization. This is exactly what I expected and why I did the course. After the course, I have a much better understanding of the issues afoot. I would recommend the course to any budding CFO or CEO who wants to understand how web3 accounting differs from web2.

Scott Hewitson
Director of Finance
@Akash Network

I thought that the course was well put together and the topics had a wide breadth for both crypto/non-crypto native students and accounting/non-accounting finance professionals. I would recommend the course to others even if they have some domain expertise. For me, it was insightful to see what others are doing and how they treat/interpret things because we are in a space that moves faster than legislation and guidance.

The course provided all the contextual information I expected with a very good balance between covering the general concepts and deep diving into some more specific technical details. Also appreciated the exposure to the best practices that are nascent/evolving in the space.

The instructors were amazing. It's clear that all of them are very well prepared and have plenty of knowledge about crypto. I also found it quite valuable to have direct access to the instructors as to ask questions in the future.

Reserve Your Spot

What Makes Crypto Accounting Different?

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Francisco profile pic
Join a global community of web3 accountants and get instant access to 2 foundation topics - Block explorers & tracking cost basis
Knowing that what is being shared is the most updated knowledge on these topics is of great value. All classes were interesting together with additional resources to dig deeper. Other than that, all instructors had a great attitude and content.
Hernán Murmis
Hernán Murmis
Finance & Product (DeFi)
It is a leap of faith to invest AUD3,000 in a course and hope to get a good ROI. On the whole, the course exceeded my expectations, and the instructors & content were fantastic. I thought the sessions with a practical element (using sub-ledgers, multisig wallets) were very insightful.
@SnapShot Web3 Advisory
As a crypto startup founder with an engineering background, I initially found myself without a CFO or accountant knowledgeable in handling crypto assets. After selling that company, I remained deeply involved in crypto, finance, accounting, and taxation. This led me to take the course to deepen my understanding. I expected to pick up a few new tricks, but the experience far exceeded my expectations. It significantly expanded my perspective, giving me a completely new mindset. I highly recommend this course to any accountant or auditor working with crypto clients. It's also invaluable for CFOs from fiat-only backgrounds who are preparing to embrace crypto.
I thought that all the instructors did an awesome job. Mackenzie's material on crypto taxation was the most relevant to my company's focus and so that was super helpful. I thought she did an excellent job of teaching and explaining the concepts in a clear and easy-to-understand way.
The course delivered as expected. Did feel pricey at first, but the content turned out to be worth it because it's all from the industry executives.
I highly recommend this course to anyone seeking to enhance their proficiency in crypto accounting and mitigate financial risks in this rapidly evolving industry. It has been an enlightening journey for me.
Hugo Carmelo
Hugo Carmelo
Financial Controller
@Stake Capital
@Stake Capital
The course was excellent. I strongly encourage anyone involved in web3 finance or those leading a web3 company to enroll in this course for both the knowledge and ideas exchange it brings.
@Request Network
"An incredibly comprehensive course that takes the 'fear factor' of crypto accounting away. A must for all accountants."
Lisa Wilson
Lisa Wilson
Business Services Accountant
"The course displayed a meticulously structured format, with instructors showcasing extensive expertise. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in comprehending crypto accounting, especially founders seeking simplified explanations of accounting basics to understand the accounting and tax effects of crypto transactions."
"The course exceeded my expectations and the content was targeted toward issues that CFOs must solve for their organization. This is exactly what I expected and why I did the course. After the course, I have a much better understanding of the issues afoot. I would recommend the course to any budding CFO or CEO who wants to understand how web3 accounting differs from web2."
"I thought that the course was well put together and the topics had a wide breadth for both crypto/non-crypto native students and accounting/non-accounting finance professionals. I would recommend the course to others even if they have some domain expertise. For me, it was insightful to see what others are doing and how they treat/interpret things because we are in a space that moves faster than legislation and guidance."
Scott Hewitson
Scott Hewitson
Director of Finance
@Akash Network
@Akash Network
"The course provided all the contextual information I expected with a very good balance between covering the general concepts and deep diving into some more specific technical details. Also appreciated the exposure to the best practices that are nascent/evolving in the space."
@Best Friend Finance
“The instructors were amazing. It's clear that all of them are very well prepared and have plenty of knowledge about crypto. I also found it quite valuable to have direct access to the instructors as to ask questions in the future.”
@Merit Circle
Knowing that what is being shared is the most updated knowledge on these topics is of great value. All classes were interesting together with additional resources to dig deeper. Other than that, all instructors had a great attitude and content.
Hernán Murmis
Hernán Murmis
Finance & Product (DeFi)
It is a leap of faith to invest AUD3,000 in a course and hope to get a good ROI. On the whole, the course exceeded my expectations, and the instructors & content were fantastic. I thought the sessions with a practical element (using sub-ledgers, multisig wallets) were very insightful.
@SnapShot Web3 Advisory
As a crypto startup founder with an engineering background, I initially found myself without a CFO or accountant knowledgeable in handling crypto assets. After selling that company, I remained deeply involved in crypto, finance, accounting, and taxation. This led me to take the course to deepen my understanding. I expected to pick up a few new tricks, but the experience far exceeded my expectations. It significantly expanded my perspective, giving me a completely new mindset. I highly recommend this course to any accountant or auditor working with crypto clients. It's also invaluable for CFOs from fiat-only backgrounds who are preparing to embrace crypto.
I thought that all the instructors did an awesome job. Mackenzie's material on crypto taxation was the most relevant to my company's focus and so that was super helpful. I thought she did an excellent job of teaching and explaining the concepts in a clear and easy-to-understand way.
The course delivered as expected. Did feel pricey at first, but the content turned out to be worth it because it's all from the industry executives.
I highly recommend this course to anyone seeking to enhance their proficiency in crypto accounting and mitigate financial risks in this rapidly evolving industry. It has been an enlightening journey for me.
Hugo Carmelo
Hugo Carmelo
Financial Controller
@Stake Capital
@Stake Capital
The course was excellent. I strongly encourage anyone involved in web3 finance or those leading a web3 company to enroll in this course for both the knowledge and ideas exchange it brings.
@Request Network
"An incredibly comprehensive course that takes the 'fear factor' of crypto accounting away. A must for all accountants."
Lisa Wilson
Lisa Wilson
Business Services Accountant
"The course displayed a meticulously structured format, with instructors showcasing extensive expertise. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in comprehending crypto accounting, especially founders seeking simplified explanations of accounting basics to understand the accounting and tax effects of crypto transactions."
"The course exceeded my expectations and the content was targeted toward issues that CFOs must solve for their organization. This is exactly what I expected and why I did the course. After the course, I have a much better understanding of the issues afoot. I would recommend the course to any budding CFO or CEO who wants to understand how web3 accounting differs from web2."
"I thought that the course was well put together and the topics had a wide breadth for both crypto/non-crypto native students and accounting/non-accounting finance professionals. I would recommend the course to others even if they have some domain expertise. For me, it was insightful to see what others are doing and how they treat/interpret things because we are in a space that moves faster than legislation and guidance."
Scott Hewitson
Scott Hewitson
Director of Finance
@Akash Network
@Akash Network
"The course provided all the contextual information I expected with a very good balance between covering the general concepts and deep diving into some more specific technical details. Also appreciated the exposure to the best practices that are nascent/evolving in the space."
@Best Friend Finance
“The instructors were amazing. It's clear that all of them are very well prepared and have plenty of knowledge about crypto. I also found it quite valuable to have direct access to the instructors as to ask questions in the future.”
@Merit Circle


What is The Accountant Quits?

The Accountant Quits is a movement to help accountants learn crypto accounting so they can be hired at companies using digital assets.
Blockchain is an emerging technology, and is here to stay - bulletproof your career so you don’t become a redundant accountant.

I’m an Accountant, but do I have to quit to learn crypto accounting?

Not at all, The Accountant Quits is not about telling accountants to quit their job.
It’s to awaken, inspire, and prepare accountants on the impact of blockchain in accounting. 
The name 'The Accountant Quits' is the true story of its founder Umar, who quit his accounting job and fell into the crypto rabbit hole.

What is crypto accounting and how does it differ from traditional accounting?

With traditional accounting, an accountant uses the bank statement to book bank entries. 
Cryptocurrencies do not involve intermediaries like banks, and therefore accountants have to retrieve transactions, from so-called ‘block explorers’. 
Crypto accounting involves understanding how to capture all transactions from the block explorers. 

Why should I learn crypto accounting if my company does not use crypto?

It’s no longer a matter of if but when we will achieve mainstream adoption. 
Even if your company does not transact in crypto, you can prepare for the next wave of crypto adoption or diversify your skills for new career prospects.
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