Vincent Hoffmann on Blockchain Education

What We Discuss With Vincent Hoffmann
The topic of blockchain education is dear to my heart, which is the very reason why I started this podcast.
Once you start your blockchain education journey and start digging, it truly is never ending.
But you have to start because use cases with blockchain will be omnipresent in every industry in the years to come and we have only barely scratched the tip of the iceberg so far.
Like most people working in this industry, I have self taught my way into blockchain, but more and more universities and online educational platforms are exploring offering courses to meet the demands of this relentlessly expanding landscape.
According to the LinkedIN Learning Report 2020, blockchain ranked first in the most in demand hard skill.
In this episode we will discuss;
- The challenges faced by companies to hire people with blockchain expertise;
- The approach of AltHash University to design their courses;
- How can blockchain technology transform Higher Education;
- The future of education and the importance of lifelong learning;
- And much more.
Blockchain is not Bitcoin, it’s the technology behind Bitcoin, and in this episode we dive into why your future self will thank you for learning blockchain today.
AltHash University as a solution provider for Blockchain Education
- Vincent shares the story of his learning journey investing in cryptocurrencies, how he lost everything and learnt to differentiate the good and bad ones [2:33]
- The role of AltHash University to demystify blockchain and show how the technology can help society [6:31]
- Courses being offered by AltHash University (NFT Art, Crypto Analytics, Smart Contract Development, Blockchain Compliance & Regulation, and more) [7:53]
- What approach should a new student take to kick start their blockchain education journey [11:41]
- The collaborations/partnerships entered with by AltHash university (eg. ICORBP) [13:44]
Challenges for Blockchain Education & Industry Adoption
- Is AltHash university collaboration with industry players to allow their academic programs align with practice [15:17]
- Vincent states that we are past the tipping point for blockchain adoption, though cryptocurrencies are a different story for now [16:43]
- Given the high demand and short supply of blockchain workforce, Vincent shares his opinion on how should employers & employees deal with the issue [20:26]
- What is the approach of AltHash University to design their courses [22:48]
The Future of Education
- How can blockchain technology help to bring more transparency to the education system and help combat CV fraud? [24:09]
- The importance of lifelong learning and how fast university degrees are becoming obsolete with innovation in technology [26:27]
- Questioned on a use in blockchain Vincent finds fascinating, he shares how blockchain will transform the voting process (eg. higher voter turnout, greater trust than voting ballots) [28:58)
- Why is it important for everyone to start their blockchain education journey today [31:24]